Eversible Shell Accounts are now FULL!

 Eversible Hosting Accounts for IRC are Available for a Limited Time

Please note the number of IRC background selected (both IPv4 & IPv6 combined) is the number of IRC Server connections. The maximum IRC connections offered per user is three. We do not offer multiple login Shell accounts for one individual.

Eversible Shell hosting includes our exclusive BibleBot with 15 versions, 6 translations, and Strong's Concordance for your IRC channel.
The BibleBot (an Eggdrop with our free biblebot.so module) counts as one IRC background connection.

Select a Shell Background Option:
By paying the order you are agreeing to our IRC terms.

Don't want to renew your account? If for some reason you decide to cancel your Shell account, please use the link below to unsubscribe. Shell account removal is at 23:59 the last day of your paid subscription.

For account activation, please be sure to read our IRC terms of Payments and Conditions to avoid disappointment!

IRC terms of Payments and Conditions:

To prevent fraudulent charges and any charge-back costs, we only accept Verified PayPal accounts and require Proof of Identity ("PoI") from new Shell account users. Acceptable PoI can be sent to . Receipt of PoI is required before an Eversible IRC Shell account ("Service") is activated.

Acceptable Proof of Identity:

1. valid driver's license
2. state/province/student photo ID card
3. passport
4. referral from another Eversible customer in good-standing

Once PoI is confirmed and approved, the hosting Service will be activated immediately.

Failure to have a Verified PayPal account or provide Proof of Identity will result in a subscription cancellation.

Furthermore, you ("user") authorized Eversible to charge your PayPal account prior to activation of the Service for the amount of the fees that apply to the Service you order. You further authorize Eversible to charge your PayPal account for all subsequent periodic service fees the day prior to the commencement of your renewal period for such Service. If you fail to provide authorization to pay for any Services you order or should your PayPal account refuse to authorize any transaction, Eversible may immediately suspend your Shell account or terminate your Service without providing advance notice to you. If Eversible does not receive payment from your PayPal account, you agree to pay Eversible any outstanding amounts due upon demand.

The maximum IRC connections offered per user is three (3). We do not offer multiple login Shell accounts for one individual. This policy is to prevent cloning bans and possible abuse from multi-server connection software such as psybnc, znc, etc.

You agree the number of IRC connections both IPv4 and IPv6 combined will not exceed your background connection Service purchased. To enforce this policy, a special Shell monitoring program is executed to verify any user in violation of this policy. If a user connects to any IRC server more than the allotted connection purchased, the monitoring software will kill the newest background process in violation. Repeat violation of this policy will result in account suspension without notice at the sole discretion of Eversible.

For any reason, user can cancel the Service by accessing Unsubscribe Periodic Payment with PayPal. No partial refunds are issued for the remaining period of paid Service. Alternatively, user can securely contact our online help desk and submit a Support Ticket requesting Service cancellation. Upon cancellation, the user account removal will take place at 23:59 on the last day of the paid periodic subscription.

Shell account users are forbidden from using Eversible's Service for any activity that may be considered illegal. This is at the discretion of Eversible and/or law enforcement and is not limited to the examples listed in our Legal Agreements*.

By purchasing the Service you are agreeing to our IRC terms of Payments and Conditions.

* Eversible IRC Shell Accounts are exclusive of "OrderBox" service as defined in our Customer Master Agreement.